

Kay WilderMy name is Kay Wilder, director of the Moorhead campus Fitness Center. I encourage you, 作为一名大学生, to pay attention and devote time to your personal wellness in order to enhance your academic success and wellbeing while at M State. 

I've been involved with the fitness industry since I was 20 years old, and I continue to do the work to stay on the leading edge of fitness. 内心深处是个教育者, I take great personal satisfaction in welcoming every M State student with sincerity and a genuine interest in their story, 帮助学生实现他们的目标.

Whether it is teaching someone how to walk on a treadmill for the first time, creating a healthy pantry for someone or enhancing a workout program, it is my goal to increase the awareness and confidence of each person who walks through the doors of the Fitness Center. 

  • Innovation
  • Positive energy
  • 每天给予鼓励 
  • A 免费健康评估 将显示长期锻炼爱好者的新, 各种方法和模式,动摇任何锻炼常规.
  • An 设备定位 is complimentary for those who are new to the path of personal wellness.
  • Personal training 是否免费提供!
  • 团体健身班 是为学生安排的吗. 因为许多大发彩票平台的学生从来没有经历过小组教学, a new class has been created and scheduled for fall semester 2022: Intro to Group Fitness. This class will gently introduce the fundamentals of each type of group class offered at M State, eradicating any intimidation or awkwardness because you'll learn what to expect. No worries! I understand your emotions and will watch over everyone to ensure a positive learning environment. Just remember: You’re not the only new person in the class – everyone needs to start somewhere!

我拥有国家认证:健康教练, Personal Trainer, 运动营养专家, 骨科运动专家, most recently, 紧急医疗救援人员.

激励他人是我的快乐和快乐, 使用正强化, to express themselves and move their bodies freely and with confidence, 没有焦虑感, worry or stress. 

My motto about exercise: If it wasn’t fun, why would you want to do it?!

是时候在健身中心激活您的会员资格了. See you there!



Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Fitness Center membership is free to M State students enrolled on the Moorhead campus. 其他成员的会员费率为:

  • Community membership (for ages 18 and above): $150/semester for a single membership and $200/semester for a family membership
  • pso和在线学生:60美元/学期
  • 州政府雇员:99美元/学期

Fitness Center FAQs

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看看我们在穆尔黑德校园的西边. 我们就在W2入口的128B房间.


Registered students with classes primarily on the Moorhead campus are assessed a Wellness Fee that includes membership at the Fitness Center.

在线和pso学生的会员费是每学期60美元, 每学期在校园十字书店支付.


只要到健身中心来,填写一份会员协议就行了. Bring along your Student ID and a clean pair of appropriate gym shoes, and that’s all there is to it!

Can my workout buddy (not affiliated with M State) work out at the Fitness Center?

Yes. Community memberships are available for purchase ($150/semester) for individuals 18 years and older. 还有M州员工会员(99美元/学期).


健身中心是一个全方位的服务设施. 全年都有活动, 比如为期六周的减肥挑战, 自卫课和虚拟比赛.

The shower, changing room and restrooms are private, and lockers are available.

  • 6台跑步机和有氧运动
  • 1 PowerMill
  • 5 ellipticals
  • 3 bikes
  • More than 700 lbs. of plates
  • 100 lbs. of dumbbells
  • 各种生活健身机

Watch this webpage or get a paper copy of the schedule at the Fitness Center front desk.


New members can schedule an 设备定位 to get acquainted with every piece of equipment in the center. 迎新活动已经安排好了, private appointment with Fitness Center personnel and is designed to help new members feel confident and comfortable.

我运动累坏了. How can you help?

Schedule a 免费健康评估 with our director to create a new, 尖端的锻炼和讨论营养. An assessment shakes up your old routine and creates a new workout you'll look forward to as you work to achieve your goals and stay fit and well while you're at college.


个人训练包括在学生会员中. 我们的董事Kay Wilder是ACE认证的健康教练. Wilder has numerous specialty certifications in orthopedics and nutrition and addresses not only the physical aspect of wellness, 还有个人需求的多个方面.


健身中心每学期雇佣七到九名学生工人. It's a great place to learn customer service, interpersonal and diplomacy skills, and accountability. 工作时间灵活.


"Going to a group class at the Fitness Center is kind of awkward at first, but I found right away how much fun it is to learn with other people. 我想我会感到不安,被其他学生评判, 但后来我意识到每个人都在同一条船上,只是在学习, too."

-Student Sara B.

"The M State Fitness Center was essential to me passing the Law Enforcement Skills Program. The personal training I received allowed me to meet and exceed my fitness goals. I highly recommend anyone attending M State to take full advantage of such an incredible opportunity.”

-Martin H.,刑事司法专业毕业

"The Fitness Center is everything you never knew you needed to start or continue your fitness journey. 它不像大多数健身房那样势不可挡,你总是感到受欢迎. It helped me gain my confidence back and pass physical fitness exams I otherwise had no chance with."

-Beth M.,刑事司法专业毕业

“M州立健身中心是校园里最重要的地方之一. It makes a difference to go to a gym where the trainer cares about your wellbeing."

-Student Brianna J.

“When I started at M State, I was not comfortable going to any gym due to my gender identity. 当我第一次去健身中心见到凯的时候, 她立刻让我感到舒适和受欢迎. I attribute my ability to pass the physical exam for my job to the Fitness Center and all that Kay did for me.”

-Emory D.,刑事司法专业毕业

"When I started at M State, I was still exploring which profession I wanted to pursue. I was struggling physically and I didn’t know where to start with all of this. 然后我走进了M州立健身中心的大门... 我拄着拐杖走进来,缺乏自信,然后 at least 我不需要随身携带的额外50磅. 凯让事情对我来说非常可行. Food, eating schedules, exercise schedules, class schedules, you name it. There was never a 'one size fits all' component to Kay’s way of coaching and training. With Kay as your personal trainer, there is no goal too hard that Kay cannot help you reach. 这是我旅途中最美好的部分...是我一路上遇到的所有很棒的人吗. I met many other students with similar and different struggles that I faced (in school, in health, in life, etc.我可以向他学习并成为他的朋友. Learning about the people around me allowed me to learn about myself. 在我们的健身之旅中,我们都要一起做! In group classes, individual gym time, personal training sessions, I found out just how much I was not alone."

-Graduate Josie M.