

Student-Right-to-Know information can be found by navigating to the links in the topic areas below or in the 学生手册. Printed copies can be requested by visiting Student Services on any M State campus between 8 a.m. 下午4:30.m. 星期一至星期五.



Annual Security 和 Fire Safety Report

2023 Annual Security 和 Fire Safety Report

2022 Annual Security 和 Fire Safety Report

2021 Annual Security 和 Fire Safety Report

2020 Annual Security 和 Fire Safety Report

2019 Annual Security 和 Fire Safety Report

每年十月更新. 1

根据克莱利法案,M州必须披露发生在四个定义区域的事件的政策声明和犯罪统计数据:校园, 在校内宿舍, 紧靠校园的无障碍公共区域,以及学校拥有和/或控制的非校园物业. This information is published in the Annual Security 和 Fire Safety Report by October 1 annually.


2022 M State Equity in 体育运动 Report

每年十月更新. 15

各院校必须向未来的学生提供学院的承诺,即为男女学生提供平等的体育机会. 任何参与联邦学生援助计划的男女同校高等教育机构都必须在10月15日之前完成一份《大发彩票网全部平台》报告,并通过一项在线强制性调查将数据输入美国大学.S. 教育部. Data collected in the survey is published by the Office of Postsecondary Education on the Equity in 体育运动 Data Analysis Cutting Tool. 信息由机构研究办公室和商务办公室收集,并通过适当的出版物披露, 邮件或电子媒体.


Students have the right to file a grievance in writing if they have allegations of improper, 不公平的, 雇员对学校规章制度中特定条款的任意或歧视行为. 鼓励学生通过与学院的工作人员进行非正式讨论来寻求解决任何问题的方法. If a resolution cannot be reached using informal intervention, students can complete the Student Complaint, Grievance or Informal Concerns Form at www.明尼苏达州.edu/forms.

 Student Complaints, Grievances 和 Informal Concern Policy  过程 可供参考和 这个过程的指导. Information can also be found in the 学生手册.


根据联合国.S. 教育部's Program Integrity Rule, 提供在线教育的机构必须向所有未来和现在的学生提供州机构的联系信息,或处理对该州提供远程教育的高等教育机构的投诉的机构.

If a complaint cannot be resolved at the college level, you may contact the Minnesota Office of Higher Education高等教育委员会 或者是 National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA).




而健康, safety 和 welfare of every member of the college community is paramount at M State, 学院不能保证没有新冠病毒的环境,因为所有有人的公共场所都有感染风险. 大发彩票平台正在采取所有建议的措施来减轻这种风险,但不能绝对保证你不会生病. 在大发彩票平台,将新型冠状病毒肺炎感染(或任何其他疾病传播)的风险降至最低是一项共同责任. 访问 the Coronavirus Return to Campus Plan 了解更多 about how it takes every member of the M State community – including you – to do their part. Underst和 that if you return to any physical M State campus,re is a risk you may contract 新型冠状病毒肺炎 和 that illness, injury or death is a possible result.

Drug-Free Schools 和 Communities Act Biennial Review

2022 Drug-Free Schools 和 Communities Act Biennial Review

学院根据1989年无毒学校和社区法案修正案(公法101-226)和明尼苏达州法规152提供本报告. Drugs; Controlled Substances, 340A. 酒,和624.701 Alcohol in Certain Buildings or Grounds.

M State is committed to providing an environment free of alcohol 和 illegal drugs for its students, 员工和访客. 请参考 Alcohol 和 Drug Free Environment Policy 了解更多信息.


Office of Higher Education - Minnesota 性侵犯数据报告

明尼苏达州法令135A.15日,再分. 6要求高等教育机构每年向高等教育办公室(OHE)报告性侵犯统计数据。. Additional information 和 resources for M State students can be found at www.明尼苏达州.edu/sexual-violence-resources.

毕业 和 Transfer-Out Rates

Student Right-to-Know M State 毕业 和 Transfer-Out Rates

每个机构必须每年向准学生和入学学生提供证书或学位申请的完成或毕业率, 第一次, 全日制本科生. 的 completion 和 graduation rate must be disaggregated by gender, 主要的种族/民族亚群, recipients of Federal Pell Grants 和 subsidized Direct Stafford Loans, 和 recipients of neither Federal Pell Grants nor subsidized Direct Stafford Loans. M州机构研究办公室收集这些数据,并通过适当的出版物公开, 邮件或电子媒体.

每年的7月1日之前,将提供最近一批学生的数据,这些学生在上一年的8月31日之前完成学业的时间是正常时间的150%. If the information is requested by a prospective student, 它必须在学生入学或与机构签订任何财务义务之前提供.

注意: Institutions may add other information to their completion/graduation rate disclosures (e.g., graduation rates for other time frames, but the HEA-required information must be identifiable 和 separate from any additional information).



院校可以将离校参军的学生排除在完成/毕业率或转学率的计算之外, in official church missions or with a federal foreign aid service, or are deceased or totally 和 permanently disabled.



机构必须向当前和未来的学生提供有关机构学位或证书课程毕业生的就业安置和就业类型的信息. (院校必须确定就业信息的来源以及与之相关的任何时间框架和方法.). 根据这项规定, institutions are not required to calculate placement rates, but an institution must dis关闭 any placement rates it calculates for any program.

大发彩票平台按照明尼苏达州立大学系统规定的严格协议参加一年一度的明尼苏达州立大学毕业生安置调查. Graduates are surveyed one year after their graduation to determine their employment status. Responses are submitted to 和 processed by the system office, 它产生一个数据库和报告生成器,计算M州所有项目和M州整体的“相关就业率”. “相关就业率”是指从事与其专业相关职位的毕业生总数占可从事相关工作的毕业生总数的百分比. M State makes this information available through appropriate publications, 邮件或电子媒体.



美国.S. 教育部 reports official cohort default rates once per year.  队列违约率是指一所学校的借款人开始偿还某些联邦家庭教育贷款(FFEL)计划或威廉D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program loans during a particular federal fiscal year (FY), 10月1日到9月30日, 和 default or meet other specified conditions prior to the end of the second following fiscal year.

的 FY 18 national cohort default rate is 7.3% 的 FY 18 national cohort default rate for two-year schools is 11.5% 该州2018财年的违约率为9%.4%

点击 在这里 for additional information on default rates.

Professional licensure disclosures

大发彩票平台提供一些课程,旨在帮助学生准备申请明尼苏达州和/或北达科他州就业所需的执照考试和/或认证. Professional licensing st和ards can vary widely from state to state, so completion of these programs may not meet the licensure or certification requirements in other states. 访问 www.明尼苏达州.edu/academics/professional-licensure-disclosures 了解更多.


Notification of Rights Under FERPA for Postsecondary Institutions